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High ^T particle correlations in pp collisions at 

Yaxian Mao^'^, for the ALICE collaboration 

^ Key Laboratory of Quark & Lepton Physics (Huazhong Normal University), 
S ! Ministry of Education, Wuhan 430079, China 

^ Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie, Grenoble 38026, France 





E-mail: Yaxian. MaoOcern. ch 

Abstract. Two-particle correlation triggered by high-px particles allows us to study 
^ . hard scattering phenomena when full jet reconstruction is challenging. An analysis of 

^ I the first ALICE pp data where charged and neutral particles isolated or not are used 

^ i' as trigger particles is presented. The two-particle correlation between the trigger (t) 

^5 . and the associate (a) particles is studied as a function of the imbalance parameter 

xe =-PTa ' pTtl I PTt P Slid interpreted in terms of jet fragmentation function. 

^ \ 1 Two-particle correlation measurements provide a suitable tool to study the 

t^^ \ 2 jet properties in proton-proton and heavy-ion collisions IH |2] where the full jet 

3 reconstruction is challenging and even impossible for jet-px below about 50 GeV/c. Such 

4 a measurement can be further improved if the trigger particle is isolated. Ultimately, 
O \ 5 selecting a direct photon as the trigger particle would provide the optimum choice since 

6 the direct photon sets the reference of the 2 — )■ 2 type of hard scattering kinematics 

7 and balances the jet emitted in the opposite azimuthal direction. In addition, while 
K> \ 8 purely hadronic observables are strongly biased with respect to surface emission, photons 

H \ 9 can sample the entire collision volume. However, identifying direct photons is quite 

10 challenging because of their scarcity and the overwhelming contribution of hadron decay- 

11 photons, mainly from 7r° . Applying isolation criteria (select trigger particles spatially 

12 isolated) is the traditional approach to enrich the data sample with hadrons sampling 

13 a large fraction of the parton momentum from which they fragment. 

14 We have studied the two-particle correlation with the ALICE experiment [3] at 

15 LHC in proton-proton collisions at y/s= 7 TeV. The experimental technique consists in 

16 tagging events with a leading trigger and measuring the distribution of charged hadrons 

17 associated to this leading trigger from the same event. Such a measurement requires to 

18 reconstruct charged tracks and identify neutral particles with good momentum/energy 

19 resolution. In ALICE, the electromagnetic calorimeters, PHOS (|A?7| < 0.12 and A0 

20 =100°) and EMCAL (IA77I < 0.7 and A0 =100°), allow us to measure and identify 

21 photons and neutral mesons with high efficiency and resolution. Particles in the 

22 calorimeters are detected as clusters of adjacent hit calorimeter cells. The Central 

23 Tracking System (ITS and TPC), covering the pseudo-rapidity —0.9 < rj < -1-0.9 and 

24 the full azimuth |3] , is used for charged track measurements, and contributes to the single 

25 particle jet events identification by applying the isolation technique. Two different types 

26 of trigger particle have been selected for the correlation study: (i) charged triggers are 

27 selected as the charged track with the highest transverse momentum among all the tracks 

28 in the event, (ii) neutral cluster triggers are defined as the calorimeter cluster with the 

29 highest energy among all detected clusters and among all the charged tracks detected in 

30 the same trigger hemisphere. At this early stage of the analysis, no particle identification 

31 has been applied yet on the calorimeters data, thus the cluster sample may contain a 

32 sizable fraction of charged particles which develop a shower in the calorimeters or high- 

33 pt vr° from which two decay photons merge into a single cluster. A Monte-Carlo study 

34 based on the PYTHIA [4J event generator indicates that the dominant contribution to 

35 the selected neutral cluster triggers is due to merged 7r°in the pt region which could 

36 be statistically reached with the data available for our study. The results which will be 

37 discussed are the azimuthal correlation between the two particles, and the per-trigger 

38 conditional yield of charged hadrons as a function of the imbalance variable xe = - ^i^ ^p" , 

39 where pr^.a denote the amplitude of the transverse momenta of the trigger and associate 

40 particle, respectively. 

41 The azimuthal correlation {Acp = (pt — (j)^ between the trigger particle and the 

42 associate particles with transverse momentum threshold of pt > 1 GeV/c and \'r]\ < 0.8 

43 for different p^ trigger bins is shown in Fig. [H The resulting A0 distribution is finally 

44 corrected for the two-particle pair efficiency. The structure of the azimuthal correlations 

45 show consistent results independent on the trigger type and of the calorimeter for the 

46 cluster triggers (Fig. [1]). The main feature of these distributions is the typical 2- 

47 jets structure with a near side (A0= 0) and away side (A(/)= tt) peak. The peaks 

48 become stronger when the trigger-px increases reflecting the increasing multiplicity of 

49 fragmented hadrons for increasing jet energies (on average the leading particle of a jet 

50 carries about 50% of its energy at LHC energy regime). The 2-jet structure sits on top 

51 of a fiat background which originates from the correlation of the trigger particle with 

52 particles from the underlying event (all particles which do not originate from a hard 

53 scattering process). 

54 The per-trigger conditional yield as a function of the variable xe is used to study the 

55 away side jet fragmentation function. The accuracy of this description depends on how 

56 well the trigger particle momentum approximates the jet momentum. The measured 

57 Xe distribution contains contributions from away side jet fragmentation signal as well 

58 as background. To estimate this background, one assumes that the associate particles 

59 distribution from underlying events is isotropic in the full azimuth angle. Therefore, 

60 the background level can be calculated from the transverse azimuthal region where 

61 the jet signal is minimum. The resulting xe signal distributions after underlying event 

62 background subtraction for different pxt bins exhibits remarkable uniformity of the slope. 

63 In order to quantity this feature, an exponential function (dN/dxE oc Ce~'^'^^) is fitted 

64 to the xe distribution in the range 0.4 < xe < 0.8, the fitting parameter n stands for 

65 the inverse xe slope. Figure [2] shows the evolution of the inverse xe slope as a function 

66 of the mean trigger px obtained from ALICE data. The slopes extracted using charged 

67 and neutral triggers approach to each other with rising p^. This behavior is expected 

68 as high pt cluster triggers are mainly merged 7r° while low pt clusters are dominated by 
single decay photon clusters from tt" . 

pp events atVs = 7 TeV 


iw/\«jw*i-***«N.^ V^^ 

4 < p^^ < 5 GeV/c 
leading cluster trigger 

6 < p < 7 GeV/c 

5 < p < 6 GeV/c 


ALICE Performance 

7 < p < 8 GeV/c 


So 10 







jet-h* gluo'ri" ■ 

jet-h* quark 

2 4 2 4 

A(|) (rad) 

Figure 1. Two-particle correlation 
distribution as a function of the 
relative azimuthal angle between the 
cluster trigger and associate charged 
particles A0 — ipt ~ 4>a. in PP 
collisions at yG — 7 TeV. 

pp events ats/s = 7 Te' ^^ 
T cluster trigger (mainly jt°) a^^I 

■ charged trigger (h*) ^LICE Performance: 




Pj, (GeV/c) 

Figure 2. Extracted inverse 

Xe slope as a function of the mean 
trigger pTt for charged and neutral 
triggers in pp collisions at ^/s = 7 

70 Similar measurements performed at PHENIX |2j conclude that the xe distribution 

71 is not sensitive to the away side jet fragmentation function because the trigger particle 

72 carries only a small fraction of the full jet energy {zt = £^ < 1). This conclusion 



73 is confirmed by our measurement where the measured inverse slope is in the region 

74 where one expects (yellow band) the xe slope when the trigger particle samples the jet 

75 momentum at Zt ~ 0.5. The next step of the analysis consists in selecting isolated trigger 

76 with the goal to enrich the trigger sample with single hadron jet events or direct photon 

77 {zt — !■ !)• To select isolated particles, one studies the charged hadronic activity around 

78 the trigger candidate, i.e., calculating the sum of the transverse momentum of all charged 

79 hadrons inside a cone with radius R = 0.4 rad around the trigger candidate and tags the 

80 trigger to be isolated if the sum is less than 10 % of the trigger's transverse momentum. 

81 The azimuthal correlation obtained with an isolated trigger (Fig. [3]), compared to the 

82 one without isolation, shows an apparent single jet structure with, by construction, the 

83 absence of the near side peak whereas the away side peak remains present. The slight 

84 difference in the away side peak intensity before and after isolation can be explained by 

85 a Zt bias which is different in the case with and without isolation. From a Monte-Carlo 

86 study based on the PYTHIA event generator we have demonstrated that non-isolated 

87 triggers carry on average 50% of the jet energy while isolated triggers carry on average 

88 80% of the jet energy. Therefore, for the same pt trigger, the isolated one will sample 

89 a lower energy jet compared to the non-isolated trigger. The resulting inverse xe slope 

90 parameter n obtained by the exponential fitting for the non-isolated and isolated triggers 

91 are presented in Fig. H] as a function of the trigger transverse momentum. One observes 

92 that the n-value is generally higher for the isolated triggers than for the non-isolated 

93 triggers. The data points are also compared with prediction of a simple fragmentation 

94 model based on parent-child relation [i5]. The slope approaches the region where one 

95 expects n to represent the slope of the true fragmentation function for quarks and gluons 
(blue band defined by Zt = !)• 

pp events aX\fs = 7 TeV 




4 < p^j < 5 GeV/c 
leading trigger h^ 

• w/o isoiation 

■ w/ isoiation 
R = 0.4,E = 10% 

5 < p^ < 6 GeV/c 

ALICE Pertormance 

6 < p < 7 GeV/c : 7 < p < 8 GeV/c 








2 4 2 4 

A(|) (rad) 

Figure 3. Two-particle correlation 
distribution as a function of the rel- 
ative aziniuthal angle between the 
trigger and associate charged parti- 
cles A0 = (t>t — (t>a for non-isolated 
and isolated charged triggers in pp 
collisions at \/s — 7 TeV. 



jet-h* gluon 

jet-h* quark 


- .^ 


>"t|, _ ^^^ , T 

->- ^^ . 


- pp events at\ls = 7 TeV dl^l 

■ w/o isolation 

- = w/ isolation ^^ICE Preliminary \ 




P,, (GeV/c) 

Figure 4. Extracted inverse 

Xe slope as a function of the mean 
trigger pTt for non-isolated and iso- 
lated charge triggers in pp collisions 
aty/s = 7 TeV. 

97 The results demonstrated that two particle correlation is a suitable tool to study 

98 jet properties, where two particle correlations show a di-jet structure and the isolated 

99 trigger-hadron correlations make a better description of the away side jet fragmentation. 

100 The future study will focus on the identified particle correlations which has potential to 

101 distinguish the quark jets (direct photon trigger) and gluon jets (7r° trigger). 

102 References 


[1] A. Adare et al, PHENIX collaboration, 2006 Phys. Rev. D 74 072002. 
[2] A. Adare et al, PHENIX collaboration, 2010 Phys. Rev. D 82 072001. 
[3] K. Aamodt et al., ALICE collaboration, 2008, JINST 3 SG8002. 

[4] T. Sjostrand et al., Comput. Phys. Commun. 135 (2001) 238; |hep-ph/0108264| (2001). 
[5] J. D. Bjorken, 1973, Phys. Rev. D 8 4098.